
New Students

Welcome to Queen Elizabeth Public School (QEPS)! We are so glad that you decided to join our school.

Queen Elizabeth Public School offers many opportunities for both students and parents to become involved in our programs and events. Our staff is here to ensure that your child's transition to Queen Elizabeth is as smooth as possible.

Please visit admission/registration to learn how to register your child at QEPS, and the documentation that you are required to bring. If your son/daughter is transferring from another school in the board, you can contact our school office to initiate the transfer process.

Before classes begin, your child will be introduced to his/her teacher, the principal and office staff. Your child will know the bell times, school policies and procedures and where his/her desk is located.

Please visit the Our School section of our website to learn more about our staff, transportation information and recent newsletters.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask for help. We are always here to assist you and your child and offer our support.